Thursday, December 15, 2011

New regulations for Drywall disposal.


Plan on doing some upgrades or renovating in your home?

Was your home constructed before 1980?

Worksafe BC has decided to develop and implement an Asbestos Exposure Control Plan (ECP). This ECP will specifically target the joint compound used in the initial application of drywall in pre 1980 built structures.

New requirements will include:

  • All renovation and demolition loads will require documentation illustrating the construction date of the structure that the material is being removed from.
  • If the structure was built after 1980, documentation illustrating year of construction and that it is essentially Asbestos free.(regarding joint compound)
  • If the building was constructed before 1980, required CERTIFIED LAB analysis proving the material to be “Asbestos free”.
  • New drywall scrap is exempt.

Accepted documentation could consist of any of the following:

  • Original building documents
  • Copy of the building permit for the present job
  • Copy of demolition permit (or a copy of the notice of project)
  • Dates of building construction can usually be obtained from the Building department of your local Municipal Office. You will require either the “Folio Number” or the “tax roll number” from your property taxes, or simply the site address.

Currently New West Gypsum Recycling is the main depot for disposal of drywall in the lower mainland. Wastech facilities deliver there scrap drywall to NWGR.

NWGR is requiring this documentation for all loads. At the present Wastech is not, but it is coming in the near future.

What can you expect?

Contractors proposing to do drywall removal may refuse to remove drywall or request a remediation Asbestos removal company to do so. Unfortunately this may add additional expenses to a project.

For the home owner?

If the home owner is removing drywall then these documents will be required.

What happens if the drywall compound does contain Asbestos? What then?

Asbestos is accepted with the prior notification at the Vancouver Landfill:

5400 72nd St, Delta. (604-940-3213).

Link for Wastech brochure. This brochure will also provide contact information for Asbestos testing Laboratories.

Homeowners should be prepared for these new changes.

In Next months newsletter, water Ingress.

Information supplied by AusCan Home Inspections.

Darryl Bailey RHI 604-671-5528.

Posted via email from rightpricedrealty's posterous

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