Thursday, December 22, 2011

And the winners of the 2011 Referral Contest are?


Thank you everyone for your referrals in 2011.

We had an amazing year of being able to help so many clients realize their goals of buying or selling, through your referrals. Without your support we would not have had the type of business and company that we have. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for all your support.

The winners are:

$1000 Dollars Cash                                                              Winner is: Heather Maciver

2 Canucks Hockey Tickets                                                   Winner is: Anita Wood

$15 Starbucks Gift Card, mug & Lindt Chocolates         Winner is: Heather Maciver

$25 Itunes Gift Card & Turtles Chocolates                      Winner is: Mohammad & Syeda Rahim

$20 Roots Gift Card & Turtles Chocolates                       Winner is: Rob Weiler

$25 Earls Gift Card & Lindt Chocolates                           Winner is: Carolina Diaz

$20 Winners Gift Card & Turtles Chocolates                  Winner is Anita Woods

$20 Winners Gift Card & Turtles Chocolates                   Winner is: DeeDee & Brad Wray

Wine Carafe & Wine                                                             Winner is: Lindsay Wolfenden

Wine Carafe & Wine                                                             Winner is: Lincoln Chan

Wine Carafe & Wine                                                            Winner is: Leon  & Devon Poznanski         

$50 Cara Foods Gift Card & Lindt Chocolates               Winner is: Leon  & Devon Poznanski

$25 Cobs Gift Card & Lindt Chocolates                           Winner is: John Lam

Arbonne Ginger Citrus Body Butter                                 Winner is: Leon  & Devon Poznanski

$25 Earls Gift Card & Lindt Chocolates                          Winner is: Kyle  & Sierre Deverill

Movie Passes & snacks for 2 adults                                  Winner is: Brad & Carrie Meagher

Tool Bag & 50 tools                                                             Winner is: DeeDee & Brad Wray

$100 Petro Gas Gift Card & Lindt Chocolates               Winner is: Jen Geddes

$25 White Spot Gift Card & Turtle Chocolates             Winner is: Vanessa Silverberg & Jack Orr

Bath & Body Gift Basket                                                    Winner is: Brad & DeeDee Wray

Movie Passes & snacks for 2 adults                                 Winner is: Ryan Corpuz

$25 Itunes Gift Card & Turtles Chocolates                    Winner is: Ryan Corpuz

Arbonne Ginger Citrus Body Butter                                Winner is: Marcia Currie & Kate Hiscox

Arbonne Ginger Citrus Body Butter                               Winner is: Nicole Crosby

Stay tuned for the launch of the 2012 Referral Contest. It will be bigger and better with prizes drawn in front of a live audience, culminating at our December 2012 Client Appreciation Party, where you are all invited!


Sincerely, your friend in the real estate business,


Roland Kym
Remax Select Properties
Cell : 604 970-0393
Office: 604-737-8865
Fax : 604-737-8512!/RPRVancouver

Posted via email from rightpricedrealty's posterous

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