Saturday, May 21, 2011

Vancouver West- Detached Homes Listed vrs SOLD


This graph lets you compare homes listed to homes for sale in West Side of Vancouver.

The charts also show overall activity in the areas and trends.  You can see from the following graph that there has been an increase in the number of active detached homes listed since January, a classic pattern of the Vancouver West Real Estate market trends.

You can also see however that there have been more units sold proportionally to units listed this spring versus spring 2010. For a detailed home or market analysis for your needs, call us directly at 604-970-0393

Units listed is the number of homes listed for sale in that month.

Units sold is the number of homes sold in that month.

Active listings is the number of homes listed for sale in that month plus the number of homes previously listed that haven't sold yet.

Posted via email from rightpricedrealty's posterous

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