Friday, May 13, 2011

May 2011 Home Care Advice: Deck Maintenance and the reasons why to do it.


Following is a great article about pressure washing and the reasons why to do it, written by a great inspector and business associate of mine, Kyle Deverill, License # 53543 from A Buyer's Choice Home Inspections – Burnaby. If anyone of you needs to the services of a great home inspector, I would be extremely pleased in allowing me to make the introduction for you. Thank you, Roland

“Cleaning your deck is a basic maintenance task.  Usually it’s performed on an annual basis in the spring.  It’s very important to remove any algae that may have formed.  Algae holds moisture close to the wood, causes rot, and can be very slippery.  There are many different opinions on the best way to perform algae removal.  The usual options are:  Pressure washing and hand scrubbing.
I recall the first time I discovered a pressure washer, I thought it was the coolest thing and set out to wash everything on and in my home!  One thing I found out is that a pressure washer can seriously damage wood, get into openings and cause damage, such as I did on my friend’s wood fence!

There are just as many cleaning solutions for decks as there are types of sprayers, so chose the one best suited for your needs.  Remember there are different kinds, cleaning solutions (detergents), bleaches, and chemicals.  So check with your local hardware store or where you rent your pressure washer to determine which solution is best for your project.  Always be sure to read the label for proper mixing and handling.  Always remember that the basics of  the pressure washing process is a mixture of water, heat, and detergents/cleaners.  Make the process work for you.  Do not try to power everything off with just water pressure, let the cleaner do its job!

A good rule of thumb for PSI levels when power washing a deck or wood is no more than 1500 PSI (pounds per square inch).  Be cautious however, because even this pressure can damage soft wood.

Another popular option used is scrubbing the deck and rinsing with a garden hose.  Most often the process of cleaning and pressure washing your deck will require scrubbing.  Cleaning solutions can damage your deck if you allow them to dry, so always have a hose handy to wet the deck down while brushing and applying the cleaner. Always clean with grain of the wood, instead of against, to get the best results.” Kyle Deverill, License # 53543 from A Buyer's Choice Home Inspections – Burnaby.

Posted via email from rightpricedrealty's posterous

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