Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Health Tips for April 2011 Five Keys to appropriate physical activity

Five Keys to appropriate physical activity
1. If you are not physically active, it’s not too late to start regular physical activity and
reduce sedentary activities

Find a physical activity that is FUN

Gradually increase your participation in physical activity

Be active with family members - in the home and outside

Reduce sedentary habits such as watching TV and playing computer games
2. Be physically active every day in as many ways as you can

Walk to the local shops

Take the stairs instead of the lift

Get off the bus early and walk

3. Do at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity on 5 or more days

each week

Make physical activity part of your regular routine

Organize to meet friends for physical activity together

Do some physical activity at lunch time with colleagues

4. If you can, enjoy some regular vigorous-intensity physical activity for extra health

and fitness benefits

Vigorous physical activity can come from sports such as football, badminton or basketball and activities such as aerobics, running and swimming

Join a team or club to play a sport that you enjoy

Ride a bike to work instead of taking the car

5. School-aged young people should engage in at least 60 minutes of moderate- to

vigorous-intensity physical activity each day

Encourage young people to participate in sport and physical activity for fun

Provide young people with a safe and supportive environment for physical activities

Expose young people to a broad range of physical activities at school and at home (World Health Organization, From the 2008 Beijing Olympics to the 2010 FIFA World Cup)

Our professionally trained Therapeutic Recreation team has a combination of motivational, coaching and personal training skills as well as in depth knowledge of physiology and medial training to meet your needs wherever you are at. Your needs and personal challenges are most important as we design and implement programs that are custom suited to you and your lifestyle.

Jennifer Gilchrist, RT, PT

Lifetime Leisure Ltd.


Posted via email from rightpricedrealty's posterous

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