Friday, November 19, 2010

We Sponsor YWCA’s Presents of Peace Program!

Hello everyone,

“Each year we at Right Priced Realty Company sponsor one family with the YWCA’s Presents of Peace program, where we give a great hamper to a very deserving family. These families are on the cusp of struggling into poverty. They are the hard working people of our city that have goals and dreams of working their way up through life. These hard working families contribute each and every day to our city, province and country. We at Right Priced Realty Company are proud of their drive, goals and ambition. We are proud to be able to sponsor a family each year; we have a goal of sponsoring two families this year with your help! Please take a look at the following items that are needed in these hampers. If you have anything available to donate to us for this great cause, call me and I will come by to pick it up from you...... THANK YOU AND MERRY CHRISTMAS!”

Roland Kym 604-970-0393


1)      Grocery gift card/food vouchers: Available at major supermarkets such as Safeway, IGA and Superstore among others.  We ask that you provide a minimum $100 grocery gift card for a family of two with an additional $25 for each child in the family. 

 2)     Gifts: We suggest $75 per person.  Gifts could include: new toys; games; gift certificates; movies passes; art supplies; clothing; towels; sheets and linens; small household items such as kettles, toasters, coffee makers; personal items such as nice body creams, lotions, toiletries, etc.  Please refer to your family’s wish list.

Important Notes:

a)     Gifts should always be new.

b)     When shopping for your family, you may wish to ask stores for gift receipts so families can exchange items such as clothing and shoes if they are not the right size.

 c)      Please make sure that food vouchers and gift certificates are properly activated

 d)     Gifts should be wrapped whenever possible.

Posted via email from rightpricedrealty's posterous

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