Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Homeowners out thousands despite warranty

Following is a sad article from home owners in BC who are in a dire state, trying to get some results from their home warranty on their new house. The home warranty does offer protection, but not a “general blanket” that covers everything. A home owner needs to clearly understand the scope and scale of warranty coverage and choose the most successful builder that has been around, and will be around for generations.

Often the ease of fixing warranty problems is directly tied to the builder’s reputation and their interest in maintaining and growing a strong reputation. When you meet with potential builders for your home, ask them for examples of home warranty issues that have arisen from their builds. Ask them what they have done to solve these problems.... if they tell you that they have never had any issues, they are brand new or they are not telling the truth!

A house is a commodity, building a house is equally as much a service as a product and as with every service, you often get what you pay for. A great builder is like a great REALTOR, problems & issues do occur in the course of business. But they should allow for opportunities for the service provider to differentiate themselves and build a great reputation. Find a builder that you trust, that has the skills and assist them by staying on top of the building process with them and hold them accountable. If you would like some direction or further advice on great Vancouver Builders, please call me... Roland 604-970-0393


Posted via email from rightpricedrealty's posterous

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