Friday, March 15, 2013

Virtual Floor- Plan Tour... A great tool to help market and sell a listing.

Have you ever visited a video tour that was ineffectively filmed. Or a 360" virtual tour that did not reflect the listing properly?
We, for each one of my listings I hire a professional floor plan to be conducted and a professional photo shoot.
I think use these in all my marketing materials, including an effective virtual floor plan where you are able to "click" on any part of the floor plan and the appropriate area pops up.
Check out a floor plan tour for a recent listing:
Just one of many ways that I differentiate my listing services from other agents.
I use/do everything that has always worked in selling a property in Vancouver and then I add MORE!
What to you think, do you like the Virtual Floor Plan Tours?

Posted via email from rightpricedrealty's posterous

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