Tuesday, March 19, 2013

A flat market is not a bad market!


I agree that many indications point to the likeliness that Vancouver home price values will likely not increase substantially over the next five years. However, creating equity in real estate.. as everyone before us is not sexy and flashy. Rather a long-term, disciplined approach to paying your mortgage, paying down your principal a little each month, and 20- 30 years down the road you have an amazing nest egg....... need I say that real estate is the only investment that will pay itself off eventually and allows you to live in it! A flat market is a strong market as it presents a balanced opportunity for buyers and sellers to re-evaluate their needs and goals. I have always been a long-term buy and hold person, so the next five to ten years of potentially slow growth present an opportunity.. I hope you all see it as that as well :O) Thanks, Roland

Posted via email from rightpricedrealty's posterous

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