Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Fall Home Maintenance Tips


Outdoors: Scrape peeling paint, and apply touch up paint to your siding, trim, and fences.

Check the condition of your deck and apply a waterproofing sealer if necessary.

Check weather-stripping on doors. Repair.

Check caulk on windows. Repair.

Check roof for damaged or missing shingles or problems with flashing. Repair.

Clear gutters and inspect downspouts.

Check sidewalks and driveways for cracks or other damage. Repair.

Locate your snow removal tools: snow shovel, plows, and snow blowers. Make sure they are ready to go.

These are just some simple things that can be done on a weekend and can be fun if you get the whole family involved. The time spent on the maintenance will ensure more money in your pocket, which comes in handy this time of the year, and you can enjoy you’re the fall season without any nasty surprises.

Posted via email from rightpricedrealty's posterous

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