Monday, October 31, 2011

What are Power Of Attorney`s (POW`s)É


As a Notary Public I handle the drafting of Powers of Attorney. A Power of Attorney (PoA) is a document that allows one person (the attorney) to act on behalf of another (the donor) in financial or legal matters. You never know when you might need to sign off on something while away on vacation or on business. A PoA is perfect for just these situations. A PoA can be either general or specific. A general PoA allows the attorney to do almost anything on behalf of the donor. A specific PoA can be restricted to a singular task or set of tasks such selling a property or completing a series of banking transaction on the donor’s behalf. A PoA can be used for real estate purposes and often comes in handy when a party to a transaction needs to be out of the country or province during a completion. On September 1st a lot of the rules governing Powers of Attorney will be changing so make sure to tune in for the next edition of the newsletter where I will give a breakdown of the new legislation and what it means to you the public.

Hassan El Masri B.Sc. M.A.(ALS)

Notary Public, W. Masri Notary Corporation


Posted via email from rightpricedrealty's posterous

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