Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Kitchen Garburators… Wasteful & Unnecessary?


Recently I had a great conversation with a client who was selling their home and had decided not to use their Garburator. The proceeding conversation made me reflect back on the hugely un-necessary need of kitchen garburators, and how I feel we should eliminate them from our homes.

WHAT’S WRONG ABOUT GARBURATORS? Kitchen garburators increase the amount of organic material in the service lines, which can stick to the lines over time and cause blockages. In addition, they put unnecessary strain on the sanitary sewer system.

WHAT HAPPENS TO ALL THE FOOD FLUSHED THROUGH A GARBURATOR? As it turns out, what actually happens is this: The pulverized organic waste from the garburator gets mixed with whatever else gets flushed down residents’ drains — whether it arrives via sink, toilet or shower — and ends up at a sewage and wastewater treatment plant. Here, all the solid matter is separated and either turned into fertilizer or simply shipped to a landfill.

Ultimately, garburators have their advantages, but it has more to do with germs and aesthetics than the environment. They are unnecessary in most modern living spaces, they consume energy to operate and even more time, energy & money to remove later from the city sanitary sewer system.

What is the solution for all your kitchen waste?.... well a compost. There are numerous, modern composts available for all home types, be it apartments or farms. Take a look at the following links for more information on garburators and their real cost to you, the environment and the city infrastructure. Then stay tuned for our upcoming post on composts and how to get the right composter for your home and lifestyle.

Cheers, Roland

Posted via email from rightpricedrealty's posterous

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