Thursday, September 15, 2011

Another Testimonial of Our Great Service at Right Priced Realty Team


" Being a first time home buyer, I was nervous about jumping into a purchase with little knowledge about the process and the value of each property I was about to look at. One thing I did know, however, was to listen to my instincts. Before I even met Roland, we had spoken on the phone, and my instincts told me that he would be the right agent to help me through my uncertainties. When we did first meet, he came fully prepared. Asking a lot about me, my lifestyle, my finances and my priorities or property 'wish list' . Then walking me though his services and the buying process.

When we started looking at properties - again he came prepared not only with valuable information regarding each condo, but also how each one would or would not suit my 'wish list'. I realized how important it was to have an agent that listened well and cared more about my happiness in the right property rather than just doing the transaction. He proved himself when I went off track, thinking I would buy a property as an investment instead. He was patient enough to explore this idea with me, yet reminded me that it would not fit my priorities.

I was expecting the search to last as long as a year, but we did manage to find a beautiful unique place within 5 months! The size is right, the view is great, and we found it in a great neighbourhood - all parts of my wish list!

While a new set of nerves hit me once I was about to make an offer, his guidance through the process and his quick responses to subject details and the many questions I had, gave me more confidence that I had made the right real estate choice!

And even when I was handed the keys, Roland was there with a 'care package' - what a nice surprise! Thanks Roland.

The service that I received from Roland overall was very professional. He loves his work, he cares about his clients and he has the experience and knowledge. I would work with him again, however, I think I love my new home so much I might be here for a while!"

Adrienne Kavanagh

Posted via email from rightpricedrealty's posterous

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