Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Should you pay for a home inspection?....I tell all my clients when buying; we are looking for one of two outcomes from an inspection.

I tell all my clients when buying; we are looking for one of two outcomes from an inspection.

Outcome 1.) We do not discover any major issues that we were not already aware of, however the inspection will have clearly outline all the small deficiencies in the building that would take you a year to discover. For example the scratches, chips, “broken this,” “loose that” and so forth; you will then be in a position to accept it or not more forward.

Outcome 2.) We discover major issues that were not disclosed to us, or we discover things that are not conforming to what we have been told. You will then be in a position to walk away from the accepted contract or re-negotiate a different purchase price if all parties agree.



Roland's 5 reasons to get an inspection always when buying..pdf Download this file

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