Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Vancouver Casino expansion was opposed and defeated

Yesterday, the proposed Vancouver Casino expansion was opposed and defeated. I was personally against the expansion of the Casino and I am glad that the city council made the right decision. Our beautiful Vancouver neighbourhood and waterfront can be further improved in so many ways; an expansion of the Casino would in my mind not be an improvement.  There is no way to argue around the fact that expanding the Casino would increase crime and attract the wrong elements to Vancouver, in addition to further expand the gambling problem and make it easier for addidicted gamblers to get into further trouble.

Following is a map of Vancouver and the Average Casino Take per Adult for a given area. This is the estimated amount that each and every adult on average losses to the Casino in their area. The average Casino “take” per adult is expected to be nearly $700 on average per adult in Greater Vancouver.....That is a CRAZY amount of money that most people cannot afford to loss in my opinion, or could spend on better options...Roland


Posted via email from rightpricedrealty's posterous

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