Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Should you sell a home without a REALTOR?...NO!


Following are some great questions that every home seller should ask themselves before they think of selling their most valuable asset without the help of an agent. Remember, you need to hire the best agent & brokerage that you can find with the money you are willing to invest into your sales professional and their marketing & sales plan.  Roland @ 604-970-0393

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With our team and brand behind you, we can ensure your home gets sold and your best interests are met.

There is more to selling your home than just picking any REALTOR, posting a sign and placing an ad. Through proper staging, product positioning, marketing and, most importantly, pricing; a great team can ensure your property sells on time and on target!

We will find the comparables to ensure your property is priced competitively.

Our commitment to you …

"Right Priced Realty will ALWAYS attract the Right Buyer at the Right Price."


“Homeowners who try to sell their own home generally use a REALTOR®. Whether you are capable of handling a sale of this magnitude or whether you would be better off using a REALTOR® will depend on how you answer these questions.

  1. Are you familiar with the changing real estate market to accurately evaluate your home and set a price that will satisfy you and be attractive to prospective buyers?
  2. Are you familiar with real estate law and all of the regulations that affect property ownership? Are you prepared to face a lawsuit if the sale of your property is mishandled in any way?
  3. Do you have good selling skills? Do you know how to advertise and market your property to get the best results?
  4. Are you a good negotiator? Can you hold your ground when faced with aggressive buyers looking for bargains?
  5. Do you have the time to show your home on evenings and weekends? If you take an evening off, will you miss the one chance you have for a sale?
  6. Can you qualify a prospective buyer’s financial capability? Do you have the knowledge and contacts necessary to help the buyer arrange mortgages?
  7. Will you truly save money trying to sell your home yourself? “

Source: Vancouver Real Estate Board

Posted via email from rightpricedrealty's posterous

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