Saturday, July 31, 2010


Bathroom renovations often yield unforeseen complications that may need the expertise of a qualified professional. Whether you handle all, just part, or none of the aspects yourself, this short informational contains valuable tips to help insure project success.

Permits, Local Building Codes, and Inspections

Bathroom renovations often require plumbing, electrical, HVAC, and new structural aspects within the project. Except for projects that are solely along the lines of cosmetic remodeling, each of these will normally require a building permit. Many times, a formal

A professional bathroom remodeling contractor will be familiar with which permits will be required as well as code requirements in your area. If you plan on doing some of these-type renovation projects yourself, check with your local code-enforcement office to see what is required.

One thing you never want to do is get a permit in your name, and hire an unlicensed person to do the work. Doing so could mean significant trouble for you. Unless you do the work yourself, only licensed contractors should be hired to do your bathroom renovation project.

5 Prudent Bathroom Renovation Tips:

1.) If you are a do-it-yourselfer and tearing apart your old bathroom is part of your renovation project, thoughtfully consider hiring a renovation contractor for the job, instead. Even one oversight could prove a costly mistake.

2.) Before beginning new bathroom installations such as cabinets and counters, check the walls to be sure they are plumb. If they are not, deal with the walls to make them plumb before making new installations. Otherwise, visible gaps will result.

3.) If you plan on staining your trim material, finger-joint trim is not a good option; joints will show through the stain and mar the overall effect. Likewise, nails should be countersunk using a nail punch and holes covered with putty.

4.) Flexible air ducts can sometimes be used to carry heat or cool air from the main trunk to the bathroom’s outlet register – making installation easier and much less hazardous a task.

5.) When purchasing primer to coat the new walls and ceilings, ask the paint dealer to tint the primer to match the color of paint you plan on using over it. The effect will be richer color and the need for a second coat of paint is often eliminated.

A bathroom is one of the most important rooms of any house. When all is said and done, quality of work, increased function, and desired effect should be top priorities when it comes to making bathroom renovations.

Acquiring the services of a reliable, professional contractor will help guarantee project success and protect your financial investment.

Posted via email from rightpricedrealty's posterous

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