Friday, May 21, 2010

A Greener Home Begins with a Plan

Three steps to “greening” your renovation plan:

 There are three important steps you and your renovator need to work through when greeningyour renovation project.

  • Increasing the energy and water efficiency of your home
  • Ensuring clean indoor air
  • Choosing resource-smart materials and products

 Depending on the type of renovation work you are doing, not every step will be equally important for your project, or relevant. However, it’s a good idea to review each step carefully to make sure you don’t miss an option that could benefit you, your family and the environment.

There are many opportunities to make good environmental choices for your renovation. From fixtures to appliances, from insulation to windows and heating equipment— many of today’s products and systems deliver better performance with less environmental impact than even a decade ago.


Posted via email from rightpricedrealty's posterous

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