Thursday, February 28, 2013

Many more Lane Way homes are coming to Vancouver.

I think this is great news...Vancouver seems to have positively adopted the Lane Way homes over the past four years and is looking at expanding its laneway housing program. Launched in 2009, the program has seen 800 permits for laneway houses issued, with north of 500 being built over the past four years. After four years of success, Vancouver looks at increase its laneway housing program by including all single-family housing zones.

While originally six per cent of single-family housing zones were not eligible for laneway houses, this updated program will include all single-family zones in the city. Further amendments will also focus on encouraging people to build one-storey laneway houses (which are less obtrusive to neighbours) and will work towards making the laneway house permit process faster and easier.

For the full story on laneway houses, look into the BCBusiness archives at Daniel Wood’s 2011 feature on Vancouver’s laneway homes and the residents who occupy them: Living Small in Laneway Houses.

Posted via email from rightpricedrealty's posterous

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