Monday, January 14, 2013

It's snowing out, It takes vehicles longer to stop in winter weather conditions and when driving downhill.

Winter tires chart

In winter driving conditions, it takes all vehicles longer to stop on snow-covered roads. Below, the winter tire and all-season stopping distance comparison graphic is based on stopping in a straight line from a speed of 50 km/h.

The stopping distances of studded tires are comparable to those of winter tires, under most winter conditions. Vehicles equipped with studded tires have a slightly shorter stopping distance on wet ice. On bare pavement the stopping distance of studded tires is longer.

You should not use your cruise control on wet, snowy or icy pavement. If your vehicle skids or hydroplanes, cruise control will causes your vehicle to continue to accelerate, reducing your reaction time and the ability to control your vehicle.

Posted via email from rightpricedrealty's posterous

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