Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Koodos!!! from a recent Happy Buyer Client


Where to begin when looking to purchase your first place? Literally, where to begin? We didn't know either until we got a referral from a friend who recommended us to Roland in February of this year. It was a simple email that started it all. We had no idea what the process of purchasing a placed entailed, but Roland and the Real Priced Reality Team made it simple. We were most impressed with organization and efficiency of the team. We were most worried about purchasing a place that we would quickly outgrow but within a week, we found our dream home. It was exactly what we had hoped for and more. There were several other places we were considering but with careful thought and coaching from Roland, we made the right decision. To this day, we are more than happy with our new place. We highly recommend Roland the the Right Priced Realty to all our friends and family. You won't be disappointed!

Jessie & Steve

Posted via email from rightpricedrealty's posterous

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