Friday, August 31, 2012

Do you need to increase your living area?


Are you looking at a  property and need that extra bathroom or additional living space?

When purchasing an older home in Vancouver the majority of times the need for additional space is increasing. Typically most homes may have “maxed out” what they may be allowed for FSR. Floor Space Ratio.

When doing renovations or up grades typically most cities will have maximum allowable floor space ratio formula. What this means is that typically you are allowed a certain percentage size of home in relation to the size of the lot.

In Vancouver usually this is 60 % , so lets take an average lot size of 33ft by 122 ft. The lot size is 4026 sq ft @ 60% you are allowed to build a home 2415 sq ft in size. All measurements are taken from extremities of the home and not internal measurements

This is fairly limited especially if you have a basement suite and the attic area that has been developed.

Did you know that the FSR can usually be increased to 70% by applying for a Development permit . There is certain criteria that has to be meet, such as incorporating some design features from adjacent homes site coverage etc.

This now changes things dramatically. That 2415 sq ft home can now be increased to 2818 sq ft. That’s a 20x 20ft addition. This now may allow for that additional bathroom on the upper level or additional bedroom.

For more details visit the help desk at City hall at the building permit section and they can help with all the finer details on what may be allowable.

Suddenly that smaller home that be in your budget or area of desire to purchase is looking more attractive.

When using AusCan Home Inspections these are typically some of the value added tips, amongst numerous others, that are passed along to my clients . I use my 20 year experience in the building industry to aid my clients in any way I can.

Darryl Bailey.

Licensed Home Inspector ,RHI

AuscanHome Inspections.


Posted via email from rightpricedrealty's posterous

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