Monday, April 30, 2012

Are you a Canadian Resident?

Are you a Canadian Resident?

Recently I was working with a buyer and the seller filled this area incorrectly, needless to say we had to extend the closing by more than three weeks for all everything to get straightened out.... a big challenge that you want to avoid.

When you sell or buy a property, make sure that this section is filled in properly... or else it can be a difficult contract closing.
To check the box or not to check the box, that is the question. Well, it may not be one you hear all the time, but when selling a property in British Columbia it is of a surprising amount of importance. The box I am referring to is the residency box a seller is required to address at the upper left hand corner of a contract of purchase and sale. 

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Posted via email from rightpricedrealty's posterous

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