Thursday, June 30, 2011



There have been 270 species of mould identified in Canada.  Health Canada recommends that all mould, regardless of species be cleaned and that the underlying problems which enabled the growth of the mould should be dealt with immediately, to prevent potential health issues.

Mould needs moisture and organic material to start and thrive.  Leaky pipes, roofs, or windows can provide the moisture it takes to start a colony. Improper ventilation in attics, kitchens, bathrooms and laundry rooms may also contribute to mould growth.

You can clean the mold yourself if the contaminated surface is small.  Water and dish soap or hydrogen peroxide and water can be used to treat small areas.  Hydrogen peroxide is far more effective in killing mould spores than bleach.  It also does not have the potential of releasing harmful gases that bleach may have. Bleach is not recommended as a mould eradication agent.

If you suspect a mould problem that you cannot solve on your own you should contact a trained Indoor Air Quality Investigator for advice on building related aspects of air quality.  These investigators can do a visual inspection to identify areas of concern and make recommendations for improving the situation.

All home owners need to fix the underlying cause of the mould whether due to water damage or excessive humidity. 

There are several things you can do to help prevent mould growth in your home:

  1. Repair basement, roof and pipe leaks as soon as you notice them.
  2. Always use the kitchen and bathroom exhaust fans to help keep your house dry.
  3. The clothes dryer hoses need to be properly connected and vented to the outside.
  4. Properly seal tubs, tub surrounds and sinks to prevent water from getting into the walls.
  5. If you have a flood or any type of water damage, be sure the flooded area is completely dry within 48 hours.
  6. The humidity in your home should be around 50% in summer and 30% in winter.  A dehumidifier can help reduce the relative humidity is necessary.
  7. Discard clutter and excess stored material and make sure you have enough clearance from walls to allow for proper air circulation.
  8. Keep you house clean by vacuuming regularly.
  9. Mould can grow on anything that collects dust and can hold moisture.

     Most home inspectors at A Buyer's Choice are trained to identify where mould could become a problem and advise you accordingly.

Kyle Deverill, License # 53543 from A Buyer's Choice Home Inspections - Burnaby.


Posted via email from rightpricedrealty's posterous

1 comment:

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