Monday, December 6, 2010

We have the Best Clients!!-- Another Testimonial, of our great service at Right Priced

“We were first time buyers in a market that is large and pricings all over the map.  We initially were searching ourselves through MLS and other online sites and never seemed to find anything we truly wanted to make a move on.  Then, through referral, we met with Roland.  Roland sat down with us and went through his 3-step action plan with us and then guided us from our initial wants and needs, from our first offer and finally to our  purchase, a beautiful condo in a location that could not be beat.

We cannot say enough of Roland’s professional attitude and dedication towards us and also towards other realtors that were around when we were out looking at places.

We have already referred Roland’s services to friends who are searching for a larger home and they too are happy with the expertise that has been provided to them.

We love our new home and can’t thank Roland enough.

We really appreciate everything you did for us, if there is anything you need from us just let us know!!


 Carrie and Brad

Posted via email from rightpricedrealty's posterous

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