Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Another Testimonial of our great service at Right Priced


“First off, I would like to thank you for your limit-less time that you spent with me and Jess throughout the process of us finding our first home. We went through a few search changes, a few location changes but you stuck right through us as we went from one side of the spectrum all the way to another side of the spectrum, right back to the first side... Your patience and continued enthusiasm will be a testament to your success.

Your advice to us was always thought through, and catered to what our needs were, giving us confidence to make big decisions and to finally make the biggest leap in removing subjects. We are truly excited about the space and the future that we will have there and it was only because of your care, and passion for this work, that saw us through to our perfect match.

Thanks again, for all your work, and for the care package. It was an awesome surprise.”

Cheers, Ian & Jessica


Posted via email from rightpricedrealty's posterous

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